Translating and Interpreting in English II
Prerequisites: relevant knowledge of English adequate to 3rd year students

Aims of the subject: the topic of this semester - English idioms covering variety of areas selected, presented and practised by students themselves, translations English-Czech, Czech-English, consecutive interpreting

  1. Introduction to idioms and phrases
    New acquisitions in English idioms
    Translation (Cz.-Engl.)
  2. Presenatation, translation
  3. Presenatation, translation
  4. Presenatation, translation
  5. Presenatation, translation
  6. Presenatation, translation
  7. Presenatation, translation
  8. Presenatation, translation
  9. Presenatation, translation
  10. Presenatation, translation
  11. Presenatation, translation
  12. Presenatation, translation
  13. Written test based on given presentations
Assessment strategy and method:

active participation in seminars
written test

Indicative reading:

English newspapers and magazines, Internet materials
(Time-Life, Development,Central European Economic Review...)
Audio cassettes (The Listening File, Speaking Effectively)
Czech magazines on tourism COT
Video cassettes
Levy J.: Historie českého prekladu
Sloukova G.: Úvod do teorie tlumočení
Knittlova H.: Úvod do teorie překladu
Various dictionaries on Idioms
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© PhDr. Eva Sieglová 2004
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