Translating and Interpreting in English III
Prerequisites: relevant knowledge of general and professional English

Aims of the subject: This is the last semester for the Travel and Tourism students; by the means of the latest technologies they present their own experience with the language and their future profession. Consecutive interpreting and translations from professional material.

  1. Intruductory lecture
  2. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  3. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  4. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  5. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  6. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  7. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  8. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  9. Presenatation, interpreting, translation
  10. Evaluation of the semester
Assessment strategy and method:

active participation in seminars
written test

Indicative reading:

English newspapers and magazines, Internet materials
(Time-Life, Development,Central European Economic Review...)
Audio cassettes (The Listening File, Speaking Effectively)
Czech magazines on tourism COT
Video cassettes
Levy J.: Historie českého překladu
Sloukova G.: Úvod do teorie tlumočení
Knittlova H.: Úvod do teorie prekladu
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© PhDr. Eva Sieglová 2004
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