English Seminar I
Prerequisites: to have relevant knowledge of English

Aims of the subject: to acquire an adequate level of English oriented towards students´ field of study

  1. Introduction unit
  2. How to make a summary
  3. Stress in our life
  4. Meetings
  5. Cultural differences, clash of cultures
  6. Telephoning
  7. People´s characteristics
  8. Feelings and emotions
  9. Making arrangements
    Grammar - expressing future
  10. Crime and punishment
  11. Sport and leisure
  12. Business negotiations. Grammar - conditionals
  13. Final consolidation
Assessment strategy and method: a short oral presentation giving a summary of an authentic article referring to a topic of the lesson

Indicative reading:

MacKenzie, I.: English for Business Studies.Cambridge University Press, 1997
Spratt, M. - Taylor, L. B.: The Cambridge CAE Course.Cambridge University Press, 1997
Jones,L. - Alexander, R.: New International Business English.Cambridge University Press, 1996
McCarthy, M. - O´Dell, F.: English Vocabulary in Use.Cambridge University Press, 1994
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© PhDr. Eva Sieglová 2004
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