What will your child learn in the lesson?

- Say hello and say goodbye in two versions in Chinese. Learns interesting cultural characteristics of the Chinese when greeting;
- Get to know tones and pinyin (Latin hieroglyphs) in a playful way;
- Will sing a song;
- Get a cool Chinese name with meaning;
- In practice, he will make sure that the Chinese language is not scary, but very unusual and terribly interesting!

We have developed the most effective and interesting lesson for children who have never had any experience in learning Chinese before. The lesson will be structured in such a way that the child will not be bored and will not have to simply repeat unfamiliar words after the teacher.

Date, place and time: 28.11.2020 at 11.00 Kiev time / 12.00 Moscow time in Skype
Duration: 30 minutes
Participation fee: 100 UAH / 3 EUR


About the teacher:

Our certified and experienced teacher Yana loves Chinese with all her heart, lives, studied and continues to improve in Guyang City (PRC). Yana has experience working with young children from 4 years old and preparing for the HSK international Chinese language exam. It is no coincidence that we have chosen a qualified Russian-speaking teacher who will not only teach the basics of the language, but also introduce you to the peculiarities of Chinese culture and traditions from the inside. After all, only a person living in China, like no one else, can tell about them most reliably. On our website fuzzywuzzy-online.com you can watch Yana's video presentation.

By registering for the Chinese for Beginners event, you are preparing the launch pad for your child's successful career today! Everybody learns English, they know Chinese - UNITS! Be among the FIRST! Be among the BEST!


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