Price list

Service Price *
Installation of brake 19.60 EUR
Installation of internal routed brake cable 27.60 EUR
Replacement of brake disc 4.00 EUR
Replacement of brake pads 5.96 EUR
Tire replacement 4.00 EUR
Gear Shifting
Lubrication of the chain 1.96 EUR
Rear derailleur adjustment 8.00 EUR
Front derailleur adjustment 8.00 EUR
Cassette replacement 4.00 EUR
Chain replacement 4.00 EUR
Front derailleur replacement 19.96 EUR
Installation of telescopic seatpost 25.96 EUR
Bicycle Assembly from a Box
MTB Full Suspension 39.60 EUR
MTB Hardtail/Road 39.60 EUR
Time-trial 59.60 EUR
Bike washing and cleaning 19.60 EUR

*Prices include VAT