Ontologies Classes Object Properties Data Properties Annotation Properties Individuals Datatypes Clouds

Annotation Property: rdfs:comment

Usage (65)

  • BuildingDamage rdfs:comment "Damage = the occurrence of a change for the worse" @en 
  • CoastLine rdfs:comment "pobřežní čára" @cs 
  • Disturbance rdfs:comment "Activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption.
    Synonymum to perturbation."
  • Elevation rdfs:comment "nadmořská výška, stoupání" @cs 
  • FrontalPassage rdfs:comment "přechod fronty" @cs 
  • MeansOfExploration rdfs:comment "prostředek pro průzkum (tsunami)" @cs 
  • NearshoreSurge rdfs:comment "blízko-pobřežní vzedmutí vlny" 
  • Pattern rdfs:comment "a perceptual structure" @en 
  • Perturbation rdfs:comment "A secondary influence on a system that causes it to deviate slightly." @en 
  • Pressure rdfs:comment "Pressure = the force applied to a unit area of surface" @en 
  • Process rdfs:comment "a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states" @en 
  • Seiche rdfs:comment "A wave on the surface of a lake or landlocked bay; caused by atmospheric or seismic disturbances." @en 
  • Seiche rdfs:comment "stojatá vlna" @cs 
  • Sensitivity rdfs:comment "responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation; susceptibility to a pathogen" @en 
  • SlopeGradient rdfs:comment "směrnice přímky (stoupání)" @cs 
  • Squall rdfs:comment "vichřice, bouře" @cs 
  • SquallLine rdfs:comment "A cold front along which squalls or thunderstorms are likely." @en 
  • SquallLine rdfs:comment "skupina bouří" @cs 
  • SquallLine rdfs:comment "studená fronta" @cs 
  • Strategy rdfs:comment "an elaborate and systematic plan of action" @en 
  • StrongJetStream rdfs:comment "tryskové proudění" 
  • TideGauge rdfs:comment "mareograf - přístroj pro zaznamenávání výšky mořské hladiny" @cs 
  • Typhoon rdfs:comment "A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian ocean." @en 
  • WaveTrain rdfs:comment "A succession of waves spaced at regular intervals." @en 
  • WaveTrain rdfs:comment "skupina vln" @cs 
  • WeatherFront rdfs:comment "Tthe atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses." @en 
  • WindGust rdfs:comment "poryv větru" @cs 
  • assesses rdfs:comment "ve smyslu stanovuje, určuje" @cs 
  • Behavior rdfs:comment "the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation" @en 
  • Consequence rdfs:comment "a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon" @en 
  • DisasterImpact rdfs:comment "impact = a forceful consequence; a strong effect" @en 
  • Governance rdfs:comment "the act of governing" @en 
  • Habitat rdfs:comment "the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs" @en 
  • Infrastructure rdfs:comment "the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area" @en 
  • PosttraumaticStress rdfs:comment "stress = a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense" @en 
  • PosttraumaticStressDisorder rdfs:comment "disorder = a condition in which things are not in their expected places" @en 
  • SocialCapital rdfs:comment "capital = business and human resources of economic value" @en 
  • SocialMemory rdfs:comment "Memory = the power of retaining and recalling past experience" @en 
  • Stigma rdfs:comment "a symbol of disgrace or infamy" @en 
  • UrbanMorphology rdfs:comment "Morphology = the branch of a science that deals with the structure of XY" @en 
  • Body rdfs:comment "the main mass of a thing" @en 
  • Boulder rdfs:comment "a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin" @en 
  • Danger rdfs:comment "the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury" @en 
  • Disaster rdfs:comment "An event resulting in great loss and misfortune." @en 
  • Event rdfs:comment "A phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory." @en 
  • Formation rdfs:comment "a particular spatial arrangement" @en 
  • Formation rdfs:comment "útvar" @cs 
  • Hazard rdfs:comment "A source of danger." @en 
  • Hurricane rdfs:comment "A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving at 63-136 knots (12 on the Beaufort scale)." @en 
  • Liquefaction rdfs:comment "the conversion of a solid or a gas into a liquid" @en 
  • Liquefaction rdfs:comment "zkapalnění" @cs 
  • Plan rdfs:comment "a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished" @en 
  • Risk rdfs:comment "risk = a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune" @en 
  • Storm rdfs:comment "ve smyslu bouře" @cs 
  • StormSurge rdfs:comment "vzestup hladiny za bouře" @cs 
  • Structure rdfs:comment "the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts" @en 
  • Subduction rdfs:comment "a geological process in which one edge of a crustal plate is forced sideways and downward into the mantle below another plate" @en 
  • Surge rdfs:comment "A sudden forceful flow." @en 
  • Vulnerability rdfs:comment "susceptibility to injury or attack" @en 
  • Wave rdfs:comment "It is no longer a subclass of ShapeParameter. Iw was replaced by WaveShape." @en 
  • WavePropagation rdfs:comment "the movement of a wave through a medium" @en 
  • Analysis rdfs:comment "An investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole. (WordNet)" @en 
  • Cyclone rdfs:comment "A violent rotating windstorm." @en 
  • DebrisFlow rdfs:comment "Debris = the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up." @en 
  • GroundwaterResources rdfs:comment "resources = available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed" @en