
21st International Workshop


Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians

in Quantum Physics XXI


the meeting

will take place
during the summer 2024

organized by the

the official webpage will be available soon

main organizers:

Konstantinos Makris, UoC

Miloslav Znojil, NPI

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the list of participants is
not yet available


the detailed schedule
not available yet

BOOK OF ABSTRACTS is not accessible yet

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the main subjects covered
will be soon listed
on the official webpage

the talks during the meeting
may be expected to include, as usual,

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the question of proceedings is not yet resolved

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the global webpage of the whole PHHQP conference series

is available here ;

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should be sent to the members of the

Steering Committee

or, by e-mail, to me:

or, by ordinary mail, to:

Miloslav Znojil

Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Rez, Czech Republic

or via other channels:

Phone : +420 - 266 173 286 (M.Z., office)

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..................... last update: October 11th, 2023