Avicii sign


Share Your Memory Of Avicii


I had a really bad time in my life; I had fallen into depression. I didn't go out, I didn't talk, etc. .. The only thing that helped me move forward was Tim's music. So if today I arrived at this point in my life I owe it to him too. Thanks Tim, we will never forget you ❤️🙏🏻

07. 06. 2019


My father was listenig to Avicii. Since then I listen and love Avicii. Thank you TIM

08. 06. 2019


"TIM" is the most beautiful album I have ever listened to. Your music has gotten me through very hard times, and has made the best of times that much better. There are no words to describe your talent and the impact that you have left on the world. I miss you every single day. You are so universally loved and your music will live on forever. Thank you so, so much.

12. 06. 2019

fromAnthony Santos

well his music always helped when i was in a bad mood

10. 06. 2019

fromTimothée Demars

When I was lost, when evrything was going sideways, in my happiest moments, in the most beautiful and important parts of my life your music is always here with me and I couldn't be more thankful about it. My biggest dream was to go to one of your show, sadly it's gonna stay a dream... I hope from where you are you can feel all the love we're sending to you. And it's with a lump in the throat that I'm gonna keep listening to your music in all the upcoming moments that life has to offer. RIP...

10. 06. 20019

fromBlaze Folf

I never met Avicii and i've never seen him perform live but hi music was and still is an inspiration for me we all love you and you music man and we will until the day we join you in the castle in the sky

12. 06. 2019

fromAllen Wu

Avicii made me love house music. His music will always be a part of me that I will never forget. REST IN PEACE TIM. I LOVE WHAT YOU DID FOR THE WORLD. MY LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT WITHOUT YOUR MUSIC. <3

15. 06. 2019

fromUsama Ahmad

Dear Tim, Your music has always helped me through the tough times in my life.When i was down the most, I listened to wake me up on repeat for days and it gave me the strength I needed.

01. 07. 2019


i love you tim

02. 07. 2019

fromchromez voice of Lusaka

What an amazing soul who used his talent to craft timeless music that lifted the spirits of many. When I started my radio career, his music career had just started to lift off so you'll always be in my thoughts. Your music takes me back to the time i started all this and it reminds me of how i felt at that time which fuels my passion even more. My condolences to your family, friends and all whom were directly or indirectly inspired by your music. RIP Tim!

05. 07. 2019

fromSamuel Moses Mendez

I never had long lasting friendships but your music always made me feel complete. From True, to Tim. I will always keep these in my heart. I will look forward with the inspiration that comes from every beat of your music. May you truly Rest in Peace.

06. 07. 2019

fromBartosz. Chor

Your music will be forever in our hearts POLAND

06. 07. 2019


love you forever...

08. 07. 2019

fromMike Frietsch

Thank you to the family for allowing us to hear the final amazing music made by Tim. Avicii was Avicii, but Tim was Tim. I wish I was able to help him through the hard times he had. I am an introverted person like Tim was and the pressure that comes with fame is not for everyone. I have a hard time with society as a "normal" person, never mind the position in fame. I would not be able to do it. Tim, I hope you rest easy now. Miss you everyday, but your legacy and music will forever be with me.

09. 07. 2019


Sorry if some of my sentences are not clean, I'm French but I'll try to do my best to explain my feelings When I was younger, like so many people, I spent my time to try to find myself. I saw my best friends and my girlfriend that I loved since I was 10, leaving me alone. I never had goods relationships with my family too, and trust me I'm very sociable. But when I heard you, listened to "the nights" or "Trouble", I decided to only trust into you and music's. So thank you to be a part of me ♥️

10. 07. 2019

fromGeorge Bilias

Avicii was the one that made me love music. Since I was really young I was listening to him everywhere I was. Although he is gone he will be forever in our hearts!! I love you Tim and I miss you!!

12. 07. 2019


I've started listening to his music and it's brilliant. It's sad to imagine what he could've been if he was still alive. RIP.

20. 07. 2019


RIP Avicii, I loved the music from day 1 and to the end, i am so sad i wouldn't ever hear a new song from him. Tim was the true master of EDF and without his music the world wouldn't be the same. There is no one else that is as talented as he was. His music helped me through a lot good and bad times in my life and will keep listening always. Thank you for realising the album Tim

21. 07. 2019


One thing he felt it from centre and had the gut to do what he felt right unlike others mainly two types one can't do that but cope up with; and other break the coconut on the former. He is heart felt song remind me of him each moment i listen and heighten him to the Place Genuine. He deserves more.. I feel mourned.

25. 07. 2019


"One day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember" Thanks for everything Tim. #TeamAvicii

25. 07. 2019

fromPrashant Singh

Let’s just say I think of you almost everyday while listening to your music, be it Hey Brother or You make Me . You are being missed brother! From Golfy with Love

26. 07. 2019


I miss you Tim. Your music Will always live forever and be in our hearts and souls. We miss you here from Sweden ◢ ◤

26. 07. 2019