D&D Chess

D&D Chess comes in 3 different editions, so you can choose the option that suits you best.

Basic Edition

The Basic Edition comes with everything you need to start playing, and it's also more compact and easier to take with you on your travels.

  • A paper board
  • 32 paper squares
  • 64 paper chess pieces
  • 1 D20 die
D&D Chess Basic

Full Edition

The Full Edition offers a great playing experience with its 3D printed chess pieces with slots on them for counting XP points and a sturdier board with 64 tightly fitting squares offering a greater variety of encounters and events.

  • Acrylic laser cut board
  • 64 Acrylic squares
  • 64 3D printed chess pieces with slots for tracking XP points
  • 1 D20 die
D&D Chess Full

Deluxe Edition

The Deluxe Edition includes everything that's in the Full Edition with some additions to give you the premium experience.

  • Acrylic laser cut board
  • 64 Acrylic squares
  • 64 3D printed hand-painted chess pieces with slots for tracking XP points
  • 2 cloth bags for storing pieces and squares
  • 1 D20 die
D&D Chess Deluxe