Date Description Time
18/12/2022 End of year meeting at the club HQ. Refreshments shall be provided on-site. 18:00
18/12/2022 Looking at the stars with an amazed expression for a while. 20:00
31/12/2022 New Year's Party. Attendance inessential, but you might miss the drunken ramblings. 18:00
6/1/2023 Signing of "Bring Pluto Back" petition. Attendance mandatory. 16:00
6/1/2023 Nuclear shelter maintenance checkup. 17:00
12/1/2023 Bring your pet to the observatory day. 18:00
19/1/2023 Screening of "Gravity" with commentary from Flat Earth Society representatives. 19:00
2/2/2023 The Universe Was A Mistake - an uplifting lecture for local kindergartners. 12:00
8/2/2023 Galileo And Other Whackos - a lecture on the history of Astronomy. 17:00
16/2/2023 THE END IS NIGH. BOW DOWN BEFORE THE LORD AND REPENT. (Also, new coffee machine) 16:00