
Maksym Kovalov


Tips for learning English

Today we will talk about how to master the language in a short time and make learning easy.


1. Motivate yourself

To learn English more effectively and get results faster, first determine the purpose of the lessons. This can be done using the following algorithm:

1) Set yourself a specific goal. It must be clearly articulated, measurable and at the same time fit within a certain time frame for achievement.

2) Identify skills to develop. Think about what you have less developed - listening, speaking, reading or writing - and focus on that.

3) Follow a clear exercise regimen. For example, set aside 30 minutes in the morning to study vocabulary and grammar, practice listening during your lunch break, review the material you learned in the morning after work, and watch your favorite TV show in the original in the evening.

2. Start with the most common vocabulary

To speak English even at an elementary level, learn the most popular words and expressions, which will be enough for everyday communication.

3. Repeat words regularly

If you memorize a long list of unfamiliar foreign words in one day, then in a month you will not remember even a third of them.

How to memorize vocabulary quickly and for a long time? Your best assistant is memory cards. An ideal card contains a word with a picture-illustration on one side, transcription, translation and usage examples on the other.

4. Use stickers

Another proven way to improve your English vocabulary is by sticking stickers with words on the things they represent. The easiest way to do this is at home. For example: you can choose the kitchen as an object and decorate the table with a “table” sticker, stick “cupboard” on the kitchen cabinet, and stick “dishwasher” on the dishwasher. There are almost no restrictions: you decide which topic you need to pay attention to.

5. Watch movies in English

Choose to watch those films and series that you have already seen in translation. The ideal option is to watch your favorite movie, the plot of which you know well.