
Maksym Kovalov


Words every beginner should know

Ready to begin learning English words? You’re at the right place.

When starting at the beginning, many English learners choose different paths to memorize their new tongue. Some look to start new conversations while others focus on areas of interest to begin. This is a strategy employed by many travelers. Meanwhile, others learn the curse words in English and go from there.


1. People

People (and the singular 'person') is a basic English word for someone learning the basics of the language. It ranks in the top 40 percentile of words used in the language.

2. Thing

'Thing' is one of the most common words a basic English speaker should know. It's broad, vague and perfect for countless interactions.

3. Time

'Time' ranks in the top 10% in popular English words. This word helps you ask recall the past, schedule time for the future and establish the present moment.

4. Day

While it won’t be the most common noun English speakers use, ‘day’ is an effective noun to know as you begin learning the language.

5. Man

Whether discussing an individual or the concept of humanity, ‘man’ is a word English speakers use quite often.

6. Woman

Women make up almost 50% of the global population. Just like ‘man,’ ‘woman’ and its other forms is a key word to understand in English.

7. Child

Along with ‘children’, this word ranks in the top 20% of English words.

Verbs in English

8. (To) Be

'Be' is used as both an auxiliary and intransitive word. Its other tenses (was, were, been) make it virtually impossible to go a day without speaking some of these basic English words.

9. Have

Another essential in the verbs category, this word indicates what you or someone holds.

10. Do

One of English’s most versatile words. Once you know ‘do’ and its other tenses, the language becomes much easier to understand.

11. Say

While not as common as the other verbs mentioned in this list, ‘say’ is a huge help for beginners.

12. Go

Know this word and its tenses to express an array of movement.

13. Get

Similar to ‘have,’ this word is a basic English word essential to expressing possession.

14. Make

'Make' and its other tenses help speakers express an array of actions. From preparing to creating, 'make' is a word you will use this verb quite often.

15. Know

If you want to express your understanding of an idea or situation, ‘know’ is the word a basic English speaker needs to use.

16. See

Vision is essential. If you want to verbalize your vision, this is the word to use.

17. Come

Another verb for movement. Knowing this word will help you also express arrivals and other uses you will understand as your learning progresses.

18. Look

Along with ‘see,’ look expresses your vision or to command someone’s attention. It also is used to represent research, editing and other thorough examinations of subjects.

19. Want

This is the word for basic English speakers when they need to show their desire for something.

20. Use

When wanting to put something into effect, this is the word to use. From basic to complicated English concepts, ‘use’ is the word to - well - use.

Verb Conjugations in English

21. And

'And' is one of the most popular, versatile and basic words in English. It can be used to indicate connections, express a balance as well as join other verbs. ‍Good examples: 1 and 3 equals 4., Today’s weather is hot and humid.