
Maksym Kovalov


Writing practise

We’ve got some excellent email writing tips for beginners (and those who simply need a quick refresher).


To write the best email for your readers, you must understand the anatomy of one. Once you’ve understood that, you can start to craft emails that get your messages across and resonate with your readers.

Below, we’ve highlighted several areas of an email that must be included:

  • Subject line

  • Opener/greeting

  • Email body

  • Call-to-action (CTA)

  • Closing

Subject line/preheader text

Marketers understand just how vital an email subject line and preheader text is. This is the first piece of information your readers see—this is their first impression. It’s what determines if your recipients open your message or trash it.


Once you’ve nabbed the reader’s attention, craft an opener that welcomes the reader. While most openers will directly greet your reader, some will use a crafty heading to encourage them to continue.


The body of the message is the bulk of your content. This is where you get to the point of your communication. In our email writing tips below, you’ll notice you won’t want to make this section too complicated. In fact, short and sweet is the key to writing compelling body copy—and we’ll tell you why in a moment.


You never want to end your message with the body of your email. Instead, include a friendly sign-off. These can be quick and simple, or they can be tailored to your audience.